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1. All active members of The Moose shall be admitted to the social quarters. (Unless suspended according to the rules of The Moose.)
2. Only the following persons may be admitted as a “qualified guest:”
a. An active lodge member’s spouse; (No limit on the number of times a spouse may be admitted as a guest.)
b. An active lodge member’s immediate family; (No limits on number of times for family under the age of 21. Family members
over the age of 2l qualify as prospective members.)
c. A prospective member of the lodge accompanied by their sponsor.
***A prospective member’s third visit must be for attending an orientation or enrollment into The Moose. (This includes family
over the age of 21.)
3. All guests and the introducing member shall enroll their names in the lodge guest register.
4. Family members, friends and prospective members MUST leave when the member leaves.
5. Only active members of the lodge are permitted to make purchases or spend any money. Members in arrears may not enter any
lodge except to pay their dues. Non-member spouses may not make purchases. Approved applicants for membership, prior to
enrollment and becoming a member, cannot make purchases.
6. Every member shall submit their membership card upon demand of the Board of Officers or any authorized social quarters
7. All non-members shall be identified in some manner to distinguish them as guests.
8. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests. A lodge member may be dropped from the roles for failure to pay
restitution for property damaged or removed by the member or their guest.
9. The admission of minors into the social quarters shall be according to guidelines established by the Board of Officers in
accordance with local laws.
10. Orderly behavior is required of all persons in the social quarters, and at all other times while on lodge property or during any
Moose sponsored social activity. Loud, profane and obscene language is absolutely prohibited.
11. No person(s) in a state of intoxication shall be admitted or allowed to remain in the social quarters. The bartender is authorized to
refuse service to anyone in a state of intoxication. (The Board of Officers may prevent admission of any undesirable individual
pending a hearing.)
12. The social quarters shall not be used for any event involving non-members unless a dispensation is received from the Chief
Compliance Officer 30 days prior to the event.
13. Social quarters hours shall be established by the Board of Officers. It is unlawful for any member(s) to be present in the social
quarters during the hours it is closed. The social quarters shall immediately close if disruptive to any official lodge meeting.
14. A dress code shall be established by the Board of Officers. It is unlawful for anyone to remain in the social quarters in violation
of this code.
15. The use of any tobacco product or smoking device is strictly prohibited in the social quarters or lodge home.
16. The use of all cannabis products is strictly prohibited in the social quarters or lodge property.
17. Any member(s), other than a law enforcement officer in the line of duty, having firearms or other lethal weapons on, or in their
possession in the lodge home, shall be expelled from The Moose, unless the weapon involves a sporting event or other activity
approved by the Chief Compliance Officer. This does not apply to legal weapons which at all times remain in locked vehicles
and are not in violation of any law, rule, regulation or ordinance.
18. It shall be the duty of the Board of Officers and its authorized employees to strictly enforce these rules. (The Board of Officers
may prevent admission of any undesirable individual pending a hearing.)
Any member(s) violating these rules may be removed from the premises and denied social privileges until reinstated by the
Board of Officers. Any member(s) charged with violations of these rules and regulations shall be entitled to a hearing before
the Board of Officers
(Revised May, 2021)

Social Quarter Rules Specific to Newark Moose Lodge #499                    3/1/2023


  1. Social Quarters Hours: Sunday 11am-10pm, Monday – Thursday 11am-Midnight, Friday & Saturday 11am-1am.

  2. Kitchen Hours: Sunday – Thursday 11am-9pm, Friday & Saturday 11am-10pm.

  3. No profane language is permitted on Moose Property.

  4. Social Quarters are closed on Easter, Mother’s Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas.

  5. In the event of severe weather, the closing of the Social Quarters will be determined by the Executive Board of Officers, whose decision will be in the best interest of our members and employees and will follow closely the recommendations of the local authorities.

  6. Children must be under the control of their parents or guardians while on lodge property, no running or jumping this includes the stage.

  7. Children 16 and under must vacate the building by 10pm.

  8. Young Adults aged 17-20 are permitted to be in the lodge until closing if they are wearing a wristband identifying them as a minor and they are with a parent or legal guardian.

  9. Only members of Newark Moose Lodge #499 are permitted to cash checks. The following penalties will be enforced for writing bad checks.

    1. First Offense - The member will be suspended from the Social Quarters until the bad check and any fees are corrected. The member has 30 days to rectify the bad check.

    2. Second Offense – Writing a second bad check with-in a one year period will result in permanent ban of writing checks. The member will be suspended from the Social Quarters until the bad check and any fees are corrected. The member has 30 days to rectify the bad check.

    3. Not repaying bad check and fees could result in membership being permanently revoked through Moose International.

  10. Only Moose members can use credit cards.

  11. Only Moose members with an active membership can play machines, tickets or any other betting games.

  12. Members cannot let anyone in the lodge that doesn't have an active membership card in their hand.

  13. Jacks & Jokers tickets and Instant gaming tickets are not to leave the building or Tiki bar area.

  14. A 15% surcharge will be added to any credit card tabs that are unpaid at the end of each business day.  


Newark Moose Lodge #499            All Events and Functions are for Members and Qualified Guests ONLY. 

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